A reader asked if she can make a navigation tab open more than one link when clicked. The answer is YES it can be done, with the help from a small Javascript. Occasionally we got such a situation that we need multiple links to be opened together. Say, you are an owner or author of a blog or website that supply different types of download e.g. movies, themes, software, wallpapers etc, your web page must contain a clickable link. You might like to add more than one link to be opened when visitor click on the link so that you can earn more (by affiliate/ linkbucks/adfly) or increase page views etc. In that case you can do this stuff with simple script. We need a little modification instead of our regular html code to make open more than one link when visitor’s click.
Not only the reason i describe above but also multiple links can be opened in a single click for various purpose. There might be several ways to open more than one link just a single click, i narrate 2 systems. See the example of open multiple web pages, in separate windows, with one mouse click.
1.) Open One-Link In New Tab:
<a href="http://www.exeideas.com" target="_blank">Open One Link New Tab</a> <a onclick="window.open('http://www.exeideas.com');" >Open One Link New Tab</a> <a onclick="window.open('http://www.exeideas.com','newwin');" >Open One Link New Tab</a>
2.) Open One-Link In Same Tab:
<a href="http://www.exeideas.com" >Open One Link In Same Tab</a> <a onclick="location.href='http://www.exeideas.com';" >Open Link In Same Tab</a>
3.) Open Two-Links:
<a href="http://www.exedeas.com" onclick="location.href='http://www.exeideas.com';" target="_blank">Open Two Links With One Click</a>
2.) Change The Text Of Link Or Add Image Or Apply Anywhere.
3.) Save And Done…